Our Objective
Thinking styles evaluation

The degree of university dropout and career changes show that many times, important decisions made are not based on the knowledge of one’s own strengths, but instead in reaction to the social or family pressures.

The ONE evaluation is designed so that everyone can see in depth the natural talent he/she was born with. It is a powerful tool that helps you find key information, involving you in a process of exploration and self-discovery, which is fundamental for the construction of your life path.

The Benziger Thinking Style Assessment will detect a person’s natural personality profile, according to their preference of thought (the dominant type of thinking, determined by the brain quadrant that naturally is most efficient). It provides information about your natural gifts, emotional tone, stress levels, and your level of extraversion – introversion.
Why is One essential for you
Young people who are going through this process of self-discovery with Benziger,
make decisions more confidently, and with a higher degree of responsibility for having increased their level of knowledge about themselves.

Discover what you like!

The 4 types of thinking
The cortex of the human brain has 4 quadrants,
and the dominance of a quadrant determines a type of specialized thinking, with its unique and exclusive way of perceiving the world and processing information. Every person has one of these quadrants as dominant, a type of dominant thinking, which is naturally more efficient.
Detecting which is the individual’s dominant type of thinking serves to increase their productivity in the fields where it is naturally more efficient to utilize it.

What is the falsification
of type?

By developing utilizing a style of thinking that is not your natural one, you are forcing your brain to overload and to burn too much energy every day. This results in excessive stress, irritability, exhaustion, premature aging of the brain, anxiety, and the like